Goetia w/Stian Kulystin

October 7, 2020

Often maligned and made synonymous with concepts such as “Black magic” or “Diabolism” Goetia is rather an ancient tradition of magic and spirit work going back thousands of years. In this presentation Stian Kulystin will give a broad overview of the history of Goetia from Ancient Greek Necromancy, through the Hellenistic age and to the infamous Grimoires of the Middle ages through the Enlightenment and how this notorious “Black art” is really a deep and vital foundation of the Western Magical Tradition.

Note: This is an online event. Contact info@azothtemple.org for the Zoom link.

Suggested reading:
Geosophia Volumes I and II, by Jake Stratton-Kent
The Testament of Cyprian the Mage Volumes 1 and 2, by Jake Stratton-Kent
Pandemonium by Jake Stratton-Kent
Techniques of Solomonic Magic by Stephen Skinner
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation by Hans Dieter Betz
Goêteia at theomagica.com
The Four Kings in the Grimoires Tradition at omega-magick.com

Video of the event is now available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wqh-TG4vvo


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