Hekate's Deipnon: a Dark Moon Offering to Hekate

January 24, 2020

In Hellenic practice, the final day of the lunar month is the Dark Moon, sacred to Hekate and the souls of the dead. Deipnon means supper, and it was traditional to leave a meal offering at the crossroads on this night for Hekate and the dead who roamed with Her.

We will begin with an offering of food to the souls of the dead, and then proceed with a short series of hymns, offerings, chants, and a libation to Hekate. If this will be your first Hellenic-style ritual, don’t worry, we will go over the ritual before we begin.

If you have any small offerings for Hekate (garlic, leeks, and eggs are traditional) or snacks to share, please bring them. If not, I will have extra offerings on hand.

After the ritual those who wish to can stay for dessert and conversation.

Azoth Temple
2814 SE Yamhill St
Portland, OR 97214
United States

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