March 4, 2020
The teachings of Proclus (412 – 485 CE) have been called “the final phase of ancient thought.” He brought the Pythagorean/Platonic current to its ultimate degree of polish and sophistication just prior to the fall of the Roman Empire, offering a tantalizing glimpse of a spiritual technology that almost was. But his influence spread widely beyond him in the Christian, Judaic, and Islamic cultural spheres, and played a vital role in the occult revivals that were to come.
Suggested reading: Proclus, The Elements of Theology, parts A – C, or the whole thing if you have time. Proclus’ Hymns, trans. R.M. van den Berg, Chapter VII “Εισ Αθηναν Πολυμητιν” (Hymn to Athena), pp. 274 – 314. Contact info@azothtemple.org for further information.
Note: After “Proclus,” “Illuminist History” will take a break and resume on April 15.