February 24, 2021
“He ordered that he be disinterred, so that he could be questioned and tell them what is in the barzakh is an image of the lower-world. They would then know the truthfulness of all the messengers concerning the news they brought while living in this lower-world.”
Our February chapter is the “Ringstone of the Wisdom of Self-Sufficiency in the Word of Khālid” from Ibn Arabi’s beloved classic, The Ringstones of Wisdom. We read in turn, so for best results everyone is encouraged to obtain their own copy of our reference text, The Ringstones of Wisdom, translated by Caner K. Dagli, Kazi Publications, 2004. ISBN: 1567447244. Each chapter is free-standing, and does not require familiarity with the preceding chapters. Please join us for an evening of reflection, philosophy, and contemplation. Don’t forget the tea!
Contact info@azothtemple.org for the Zoom link.