April 28, 2021
“Who remembers the Real keeps company with the Real and the Real keeps company with him.”
We conclude with the second half of “Ringstone of the Wisdom of Uniqueness in the Word of Muhammad”
(pp. 286-294, starting with “As for the wisdom of ‘perfume’…”), the closing chapter of Ibn Arabi’s beloved classic, The Ringstones of Wisdom. We read in turn, so for best results everyone is encouraged to obtain their own copy of our reference text, The Ringstones of Wisdom, translated by Caner K. Dagli, Kazi Publications, 2004. ISBN: 1567447244. Each chapter is free-standing, and does not require familiarity with the preceding chapters. For this last time, come join us for philosophy, literature, and discussion, with such tea as you bring with you.
Contact info@azothtemple.org for the Zoom link.